Tools and Mechanics

To solve the problem, TNS created:

  • new crypto-entity - the Internet's name, as a unique digital crypto-asset that exists outside of specific digital platforms and services;

  • a toolkit for managing a name as a digital asset, assessing the reputation and value of a name;

  • toolkit for balancing the disclosure of personal information and assessing the credibility of the name-owning entity;

  • a toolkit for linking online resources and electronic documents to the TNS name, for which the TNS name is essentially an electronic signature identifying the owner.

The mechanics of the project provide validation of ownership of the TNS name of network resources and digital documents, and in the future - of digital objects, which solves the problem of fakery on the Internet and ensures trust between subjects of digital interaction.

Through these mechanics, the TNS name becomes:

  • A simple and effective tool for transferring control over the associated digital entities;

  • As a consequence, a tool for transferring and authenticating rights to digital resources and assets.

This creates a separate value for the TNS name, both instrumental and market. Moreover, it is a value that is not tied to any digital platforms and services.

Right now: all existing naming services make the actual owner of the name dependent on those who control these services. The DNS name is leased and can be taken away. Access to a particular network resource can be restricted by the arbitrariness of national regulators. A name on any WEB 2.0 digital platform is effectively lost when an account is lost by its owner or the account is banned by the digital platform.

Thanks to TNS it will be like this: the name of a crypto-entity existing in a distributed registry stays with you as long as you own it through ownership of the keys to access it. It cannot be taken away from you, just as cryptocurrency cannot be taken away from you.

This is the key difference between the TNS name and its many counterparts in other naming services, including the DNS name. The TNS name separates the digital subjectivity of the owner from digital platforms in the same way that cryptocurrency separates monetary value from the arbitrariness of any financial regulators. It will allow in the TNS namespace the formation of the independent subjectivity of entire connected groups and networks.

TNS introduces into the crypto world the concept of Proof Of Involvement (in addition to the well-known Proof Of Work and Proof Of Stake), which will make it possible to assess the integrity of the participants in interaction. TNS services will make it possible to assess who you are dealing with online, which in the future will form cultural norms of behavior in the environment of digital economic interaction.

Thanks to this, TNS will create the contours of the future digital crypto economy - an economy of global independent connections based on non-falsifiable reputation and information in the global digital space. In particular, TNS will become an effective tool for the formation of virtual corporations and digital interaction within such structures, as well as an effective tool for direct marketing.

TNS will raise crowdfunding to a qualitatively new level and will make it possible to create networks of entities with related interests in the crypto world.

The following diagram represents the detailed architecture and interactions between various components of the TNS system:a

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