
Members of our system are committed to respecting other members by creating an environment where mutual respect and understanding are valued. We strive to create a community where each member participates in shaping a positive and mutually beneficial experience.

It should be noted that, following our policies and U.S. law, United States citizens are prohibited from using our services and $TRUE tokens or engaging in any action that could give rise to legal proceedings under U.S. law. If a U.S. citizen does decide to use our TNS services or take actions that may give rise to legal consequences, he or she therefore unconditionally agrees to indemnify us for any potential consequences associated with such proceedings, should they arise.

These measures are intended to comply with legal regulations and to ensure the legal security of both our project and our users. We recommend that all system participants thoroughly familiarize themselves with the rules of use and comply with them to ensure safe and respectful interactions in our crypto project.

Last updated