

πŸš€ TrustLaunch is Taking Off! πŸš€

Friends, we're thrilled to announce that on 11.11.23, TrustLaunch is launching – the first application within the Trust Name Space ecosystem.

Trust Name Space (TNS) is the future standard for online identity and reputation – it's what everyone's been waiting for! 🌐 But it's also one of the most challenging applications of blockchain technology to date. Even the legendary Vitalik Buterin recognized the need for blockchain in identity and reputation in the first Ethereum WhitePaper. Ethereum has evolved, transitioned to PoS, and is now ready for the next big thing – the launch of the TNS project.

The development of TNS is guided by unique principles and approaches. Even the early growth of our community reflects the core philosophy of the TNS project, ensuring rapid growth to achieve our key goal – breaking down the network barrier and attracting enough users to make the TNS standard a household name.

TrustLaunch is designed as an innovative crowdfunding platform through INO (Initial Name Offering). Within the TNS standard, all key project-related materials for crowdfunding will be digitally signed with the TNS name. This will differentiate real information from fake, ensuring that changes cannot be made to documents retroactively. You'll be able to see which names support a project and the networks of relationships behind those names. This will set crowdfunding through TNS and TrustLaunch apart from traditional ICOs, where mass support can be easily faked. ICOs are often just tools for phishing and investor deception. INO, on the other hand, is a mechanism of public support backed by the reputable end-users.

INO will provide objective support for investment funds, reducing the costs of listing their tokens on exchanges, allowing more investments to be directed towards community product development.

All of this will usher in a new, high standard of crypto investments. πŸŒŸπŸ’°πŸ’Ž

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