EN (English) PreMarket

TNS (TrustNameSpace) guides

Trust Name Space (TNS) is a new internet standard for digital identifiers and reputation management, based on its own high-speed blockchain TrueConnect. The goal of TNS is to provide secure decentralized tools for managing identity, personal data, verifying reputation, and ensuring the authenticity of information in the digital space.

In an era when artificial intelligence is being used as an informational weapon to generate fake content, TNS serves as a protective mechanism for users, allowing them to verify the authenticity of sources and authors of data. By leveraging blockchain technology, the project ensures the immutability and security of content, while cryptographic signatures for documents and content make forgery virtually impossible.


🏆 Pre-market

Pre-market of names is a stage before the official launch where users can reserve desired domain names. This is important because it ensures that you get your desired name before it becomes available to the public. Early name reservation can also provide you with benefits such as a reputation in tokens on your social connections.



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